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import java.util.*;

* The MetaNetType is superclass of all parametric Nettypes wich means that
* they can create a dynamic net type, that is only specified
* by certain parameters, such as "BlackToken, MultiSet" given as Vector of Strings.
* The meaning of each parameter is declared in an extern XML configuration file
* or somehow else. The Hashtable for the constructor contains parameters of the
* nettype specification file for this nettype such as URL of configfile or
* instructions how to interpret the dynamic parameters.
public abstract class MetaNetType {
Returns a hashtable, that represents a specification,
defined by the passed argument vector.
public abstract Hashtable getSpecification (Vector parameters);

* The constructor parses the Hashtable and
* initializes for parametric nettypes
public MetaNetType(Hashtable config) {}

* Return arguemts of the last net type created.
public abstract Vector getParameters ();

* This method evokes a dialog to request the net type parameters.
* The resulting specification is returned as Hashtable.
* The parent parameter is the parent frame of the dialog.
public abstract Hashtable getSpecification ();