


Télécharger (8,53 ko) Statistiques
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package de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.netElementExtensions.hlNet;

Petri Net Kernel,
Copyright 1996-2000 Petri Net Kernel Team,
Petri Net Technology Group,
Department of Computer Science,
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany
All Rights Reserved.

Do NOT modify the following lines!
They contain CVS management information.
$Log:,v $
Revision 1.7 2001/10/11 16:59:05 oschmann
Neue Release

Revision 1.6 2001/06/12 07:03:57 oschmann
Neueste Variante...

Revision 1.5 2001/05/11 17:23:10 oschmann
Alpha Version... hoffentlich komplett und unzerstvrt.

Revision 1.4 2001/03/30 13:17:36 hohberg
New error handling

Revision 1.3 2001/03/28 08:02:53 hohberg
Implementation of a subrange type

Revision 1.2 2001/02/27 13:36:15 hohberg
New exceptions

Revision 1.1 2001/02/22 16:09:58 hohberg
New package structure

Revision 1.2 2001/02/05 13:22:11 hohberg
*** empty log message ***

Revision 1.1 2001/01/30 14:32:24 hohberg
Implementation: Echo and GHS algorithms (Hohberg)


import de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.exceptions.*;
import de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.kernel.*;
import de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.netElementExtensions.base.*;
import de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.netElementExtensions.llNet.TokenSet;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

* Tokenvariable is an inscription for an arc. <br>
* By the constructer is the place of the arc specifyed.
* Possible values of this Variable are the token of the place.
public class InscriptionVariable implements InscriptionExpression {
private Place place;
private Signature signature;
private int varIndex;
private String subrange;
private String subrangeType = null;
private Object value = null; // Value of this variable
private Enumeration tokenSequence = null; // Tokens to select
private Marking marking = null; // last evaluated marking

public InscriptionVariable(Place place) { = place;
signature = null;

public InscriptionVariable(Signature signature, int index, Place place) {
this.signature = signature;
varIndex = index; = place;

* Returns the value of this token variable as object. <br>
public Object evaluate() {
if (value == null) {
throw(new ExtensionValueException("evaluate(): No value of inscription variable",
"inscription", null));
return value;

private ScalarType generateScalar(String representation, String extClassName) {
if (representation == null) return null;
Object[] params = {representation};
// parameter is of type String:
Class[] paramTypes = {String.class };
try {
//System.out.println("genScalar "+extClassName);
Class extClass = Class.forName(extClassName);
//System.out.println("Klasse gefunden");
Constructor extClassConstructor = extClass.getConstructor(paramTypes);
//System.out.println("Konstruktor gefunden");
ScalarType scalarObject = (ScalarType)extClassConstructor.newInstance(params);
//System.out.println("Objekt erzeugt");
return scalarObject;
} catch (ClassCastException cE) {
System.out.println("nscription: Object of Class " + extClassName + " not a scalar type");
throw(new RuntimeException("Inscription: Object of Class " + extClassName + " not a scalar type"));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cE) {
System.out.println("Inscription: Object of Class " + extClassName + " not crated");
throw(new RuntimeException("Inscription: Object of Class " + extClassName + " not crated"));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException cE) {
System.out.println("Inscription: No constructor with String parameter" + cE.toString());
} catch (InstantiationException cE) {
System.out.println("nscription: Object of Class " + extClassName + " not crated");
throw(new RuntimeException("Inscription: Object of Class " + extClassName + " not crated"));
} catch (InvocationTargetException cE) {
System.out.println("Inscription: Klasse nicht gefunden: " + cE.toString());
Throwable e = cE.getTargetException();
System.out.println("Exception:" + e.toString());
} catch (IllegalAccessException cE) {
System.out.println("Klasse nicht gefunden: " + cE.toString());
return null;

private String getFirstScalar(String subrange) {
int index = subrange.indexOf('.');
if (index == -1) return subrange;
return subrange.substring(0, index);

* Gets the place of this variable. <br>
public Place getPlace() {return place; }
private String getSecondScalar(String subrange) {
int index = subrange.indexOf("..");
if (index == -1) return null;
return subrange.substring(index + 2);

* More token to select?
public boolean hasMoreTokens() {
return tokenSequence.hasMoreElements();

* Sets the possible value of this variable to
* the sequence of tokens of the place.
* Returns true if place is marked else false. <br>
public boolean initValue() {
Vector tokens;
if (place != null) {
TokenSet m;
try {
m = (TokenSet)place.getExtension("marking");
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw(new NetSpecificationException
("Init InscriptionVariable: No TokenSet on place " + place.getName()));
if (m == null)
throw(new NetSpecificationException
("Init InscriptionVariable: No marking on place " + place.getName() + " defined"));
tokens = m.getToken();
System.out.println("Init variable on place " + place.getName() + " marking " + m);
if (tokens == null)
System.out.println("Init variable on place " + place.getName());
System.out.println("Init variable: Number of token: " + tokens.size() + " on place " + place.getName());
tokenSequence = tokens.elements();
if (!isSubrange()) return setNextValue();
} // isSubrange(): determine subrange in Vector objects
String subrange = signature.getSubrangeOfVariable(varIndex);
String subrangeType = signature.getTypeOfVariable(varIndex);
String first = getFirstScalar(subrange);
String second = getSecondScalar(subrange);
ScalarType firstObject = generateScalar(first, subrangeType);
ScalarType secondObject = generateScalar(second, subrangeType);
Vector subrangeObjects = new Vector(10);
int counter = 0; // counts the objects in subrange
ScalarType nextObj = firstObject;
while (counter++ < 10 && nextObj != secondObject) {
nextObj =;
System.out.println("Init variable: next object: " + nextObj);
if (place == null) {
tokenSequence = subrangeObjects.elements();
return setNextValue();
// else compute intersection of objects and tokenSequence
Vector intersection = new Vector(5);
while (tokenSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
Object o = tokenSequence.nextElement();
if (subrangeObjects.contains(o)) {
System.out.println("Init variable with object " + o);
tokenSequence = intersection.elements();
return setNextValue();

private boolean isSubrange() {
return signature != null;

* Sets the new value and marking if possible and returns true,
* otherwhise false. <br>
* Reqires call of {@link #initValue()}.
public boolean setNextValue() {
if ((tokenSequence != null) && tokenSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
value = tokenSequence.nextElement();
System.out.println("setNextValue " + value);
return true;
return false;

* Sets the place of this variable. <br>
public void setPlace(Place p) {place = p; }
} //public class TokenVariable