


Télécharger (1,07 ko) Statistiques
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import de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.kernel.*;

* Using this interface an application can request information from editor.
public interface ApplicationRequests {
* Requests a reference of the net the editor works with.
* @return a reference to the current net
public Graph getNet ();
* Requests if the editor is locked.
* @return <code>true</code> if editor is locked,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isEditable ();
* Unlock the editor.
public void setEditable ();
* Starts the editor with a new net.
* @param net set a new current net
public void setNet (Graph net);
* Starts the editor with a new net.
* @param net set a new current net
public void setNet (Net net);
* Locks the editor, so that the editor cann't make changes in net.
public void setNotEditable ();
} //interface ApplicationRequests