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LaMBDa - Luxe and Mark Beautiful Demo application

Web server for accessing to events and presenting a simple and intuitive.

IoTa modules:
- SigMa-Client
- OmICroN
- Mu
- TAu
- epcis-commons
- servlet-api
- commons-logging
- log4j

Installation and Configuration:
A user must use a public/private key pair to connect to the web interface.
IoTa-Installer can generate this keys. The public key have to be added to
the truststore of the server. DN (Distinguished name) needs to be similar
to the LDAP directory provided by the User service.
Modify the tomcat-users.xml file of Tomcat to manage identity with TLS.
See the INSTALL file.

Each HTML element generated by JSP is distinguished, so the formatting of
the Web pages can be customized by editing the CSS file
webapp/styles/style.css (or webapp/styles/style_handled.css for devices
with small screen).
The Javascript file scripts/display.js can also be modified to adapt the
behavior of dynamic display changes. By default, all the elements are
displayed. If Javascript is activated in the Web browser of the user,
elements can be hidden.

Usage Dependencies:
- OMeGa
- an EPCIS
- SigMa
