


Télécharger (5,07 ko) Statistiques
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* This program is a part of the IoTa Project.
* Copyright © 2008-2012 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, GREYC
* Copyright © 2008-2012 Orange Labs
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* <>
* See AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
package fr.unicaen.iota.application;

import fr.unicaen.iota.application.rmi.CallbackClient;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ds.model.TEventItem;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ds.model.TServiceType;
import fr.unicaen.iota.tau.model.Identity;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPCISEventType;

* RMI interface for the IoTa platform.
public interface AccessInterface {

* Queries the ONS for all NAPTR entries related to the given EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return a mapping of all entries by service type
* @throws RemoteException
public Map<ONSEntryType, String> queryONS(String EPC) throws RemoteException;

* Queries the ONS for the product information URL for the givent EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return the URL for the product documentation
* @throws RemoteException
public String getEPCDocURL(String EPC) throws RemoteException;

* Queries the ONS for the URL of the referent Discovery Service for the
* given EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return the URL of the referent Discovery Service
* @throws RemoteException
public String getReferentDS(String EPC) throws RemoteException;

* Queries a given Discovery Service for all events concerning a given EPC
* code.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param DSAddress the DS URL
* @return a list of DS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<TEventItem> queryDS(Identity identity, String EPC, String DSAddress) throws RemoteException;

* Queries a given Discovery Service for all events concerning a given EPC
* code.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param DSAddress the DS URL
* @param serviceType the service type
* @return a list of DS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<TEventItem> queryDS(Identity identity, String EPC, String DSAddress, TServiceType serviceType) throws RemoteException;

* Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> traceEPC(Identity identity, String EPC) throws RemoteException;

* Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code and matching the
* given filters.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param filters the filters
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> traceEPC(Identity identity, String EPC, Map<String, String> filters) throws RemoteException;

* Asynchronously gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param sessionID the session for the request
* @param client the callback client to whom the events will be sent
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @throws RemoteException
public void traceEPCAsync(Identity identity, String sessionID, CallbackClient client, String EPC) throws RemoteException;

* Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code from a given ECPIS
* repository.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param EPCISAddress the URL of the EPCIS repository
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> queryEPCIS(Identity identity, String EPC, String EPCISAddress) throws RemoteException;

* Gets all the EPCIS events matching the given filters from a given ECPIS
* repository.
* @param identity the client identification
* @param filters the EPC code
* @param EPCISAddress the URL of the EPCIS repository
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> queryEPCIS(Identity identity, Map<String, String> filters, String EPCISAddress) throws RemoteException;