


Download (4.14 KB) Statistics
| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage

# stopping on failure?

# remember standard outputs
exec 3>&1
exec 4>&2

# redirect all outputs to a log file
exec 5> $LOG_FILE
exec 1>&5
exec 2>&5

# some colors
red=$( tput setaf 1 )
green=$( tput setaf 2 )
blue=$( tput setaf 4 )
norm=$( tput op )
bold=$( tput bold )
unbold=$( tput sgr0 )
code=$( tput setaf 4 )
civis=$( tput civis )
cnorm=$( tput cnorm )
sc=$( tput sc )
rc=$( tput rc )

# output utilities
p_out() {
printf "$@" >&3

p_err() {
printf "$@" >&4

p_info() {
p_out "[ ] $@"

p_wait() {
p_out "[${code}....${norm}] $@"

p_spec() {
p_out "${civis}${sc}\r$@${rc}${cnorm}\n"

p_done() {
p_spec "[${green} ok ${norm}"

p_failed() {
p_spec "[${red}FAIL${norm}"
if [ -n "$stop_on_failure" ]; then
exit 1

p_bold() {
p_info "${bold}$@${unbold}"

# building utilities

do_compile() {
local name="$1"
local dir="$2"
local method=${3:-"mvn -DskipTests clean install"}
p_wait "Compiling $name"
cd "$dir"
$method && p_done || p_failed
cd "$OLDPWD"

do_pack() {
local name="$1"
local dir="${2:-$1}"
p_wait "Packing $name"
cd "$dir"
./ && p_done || p_failed
cd "$OLDPWD"

do_compile_pack() {
local name="$1"
local dir="${2:-$1}"
do_compile "$@"
mkdir -p target
cp "$dir"/target/*-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz target/

# let’s go

p_bold "\n"
p_bold " Pitiful IoTa Building Script\n"
p_info "\n"
p_info "Compilation outputs are logged in $LOG_FILE\n"
p_info "You can follow them with ${code}tail -f $LOG_FILE${norm} in another shell.\n"
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Preparation\n"
p_wait "Installing sunxacml in the local Maven repository"
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=lib/sunxacml-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-DgroupId=net.sf.sunxacml \
-DartifactId=sunxacml \
-Dversion=2.0-SNAPSHOT \
-Dpackaging=jar \
&& p_done || p_failed
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Fosstrak Epcis\n"
do_compile "bug-free Epcis repository webapp" lib/epcis-0.5.0
p_info "\n"

19b58bab Rémy Ménard
p_bold "Model Utilities for Epcis events (μ)\n"
do_compile Mu Mu
p_info "\n"

96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
p_bold "TLS and Authentication library (τ)\n"
do_compile TAu TAu
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Signature verification Module (ς)\n"
do_compile SigMa-Commons SigMa/SigMa-Commons
do_compile SigMa-Client SigMa/SigMa-Client
do_compile SigMa SigMa/SigMa
p_info "\n"

bf9c3717 Rémy Ménard
p_bold "User checking (υ, eφ and κ-ξ)\n"
do_compile YPSilon-Client YPSilon/YPSilon-Client
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile EPCIS-Xi-Client CaPPa/EPCIS-Xi-Client
bf9c3717 Rémy Ménard
do_compile YPSilon YPSilon/YPSilon
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile EpcisPHI ETa/EpcisPHI
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Epcis Trust Agency (η)\n"
19b58bab Rémy Ménard
do_compile ETa-Query-Client ETa/ETa-Query-Client
do_compile ETa-Capture-Client ETa/ETa-Capture-Client
bf9c3717 Rémy Ménard
do_compile ETa-Capture-Test ETa/ETa-Capture-Test
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile ETa-Callback-Filter ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Filter
do_compile ETa-Callback-Receiver ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Receiver
do_compile ETa-Callback-Sender ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Sender
do_compile ETa ETa/ETa
p_info "\n"

96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
p_bold "Naming services Utilities (ν)\n"
do_compile Nu-PI Nu/Nu-PI
do_compile Nu Nu/Nu
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Discovery Services and Trust Agency (ds, ζ, dφ and κ-ξ)\n"
8fd1d584 Rémy Ménard
do_compile DS-Client DS/DS-Client
do_compile DS-Commons DS/DS-Commons
do_compile DS DS/DS
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile LibXACML-DS DSeTa/LibXACML-DS
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile DS-Xi-Client CaPPa/DS-Xi-Client
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile DiscoveryPHI DSeTa/DiscoveryPHI
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile DSeTa-Client DSeTa/DSeTa-Client
do_compile DSeTa DSeTa/DSeTa
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Epcis to DS bridge (ε)\n"
do_compile EpcILoN EpcILoN
p_info "\n"

19b58bab Rémy Ménard
p_bold "Application Interface (α, ο, ω, ρ)\n"
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile ALfA-PI ALfA/ALfA-PI
do_compile ALfA ALfA/ALfA
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile ALfA-RMI ALfA/ALfA-RMI
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile_pack OmICron OMeGa/OmICron
do_compile OMeGa OMeGa/OMeGa
p_info "\n"

bf9c3717 Rémy Ménard
p_bold "Applications (β, ψ, μφ, λ)\n"
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile_pack BETa BETa
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
# DELTa needs DS
#do_compile_pack DELTa DELTa
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile_pack PSi PSi
do_compile MuPHI MuPHI
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
do_compile_pack SigMa-Test SigMa/SigMa-Test
bf9c3717 Rémy Ménard
do_compile LaMBDa LaMBDa
8fd1d584 Rémy Ménard
do_pack GaMMa
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
p_info "\n"

p_bold "Creating installation tarballs\n"
do_pack ThETa
do_pack IoTa-Installer
p_info "\n"