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19b58bab Rémy Ménard
This directory contains the components of the IoTa project.
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
For general building and installation instructions, see the file INSTALL or
use the installer (in IoTa-Installer/).

19b58bab Rémy Ménard
The IoTa project is free software. See the file copyright for copying
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage

What can be found in this directory:

Scripts: Shell script to build all modules

Licenses/ Licenses' texts
Publications/ Published articles and publication materials

External Dependencies:
lib/ Libraries not available on Maven repositories

IoTa-Installer/ Installer for IoTa modules

Server modules:
8fd1d584 Rémy Ménard
DS/ Discovery Service
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
DSeTa/ Discovery SErvices Trusted Agent
EpcILoN/ EPC Information Layer tO Naming layer WS
ETa/ Epcis Trusted Agent WS
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
ALfA/ALfA-RMI Access Layer For Applications RMI server
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
OMeGa/ Object MEthod GAteway WS for ALfA
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
SigMa/ Signature verification Module
2e0a7cb1 Sylvain L. Sauvage
End-User Applications:
DSeTa/DiscoveryPHI/ Discovery Policy Human Interface WS
ETa/EpcisPHI/ Epcis Policy Human Interface WS
BETa/ Basic EPC Test Application
DELTa/ Deep Event Layer Testing Application
ThETa/ ThemaMap EPC Tracing application
MuPHI/ MUltiple PSi Human Interface WS
PSi/ Petri net SImulator application
96454bcd Sylvain L. Sauvage
OMeGa/OmiCron OMeGa Internet Client
8fd1d584 Rémy Ménard
LaMBDa/ Luxe and Mark Beautiful Demo application