root/Publications/ICEIS2010/iota.bbl @ 8fd1d584
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | \begin{thebibliography}{10}
\newblock Afilias discovery services.
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\newblock Epcis - epc information services standard.
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Sergei Evdokimov, Benjamin Fabian, and Oliver G{\"u}nther.
\newblock Multipolarity for the object naming service.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the First International Conference, The
Internet of Things, IOT 2008}, volume 4952 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer
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\newblock Free and open source software for track and trace.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock Infosphere traceability server.
Ekkart Kindler and Michael Weber.
\newblock The petri net kernel: An infrastructure for building petri net tools.
\newblock {\em Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT}, 3:486--497, 1999.
J.~Le~Moulec, J.~Madelaine, and Bedini I.
\newblock Discovery services interconnection.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on RFID
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Milan, Italy, mai 2009. INSTICC Press, Portugal.
\newblock Microsoft biztalk rfid.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock Seres.
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Bent System.
\newblock Rfid epcis savant.
\newblock \url{}.
\newblock Wings anr project.
\newblock \url{}.