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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<title>Changes epcis-commons</title>
<release version="0.5" date="2010-12-28" description="Bug fix and feature release">
<action dev="steybem" date="2010-07-06" type="update">
Updated CXF dependencies to 2.2.9 and JAXB to 2.2
<release version="0.4.2" date="2009-02-03" description="Bug fix release">
<action dev="steybem" type="fix" issue="2379542" due-to="Nektarios Leontiadis">
Fixed query subscription error (unable to serialize and store
objects of type ArrayOfString to database)
<release version="0.4.0" date="2008-07-29"
description="Project name changed to Fosstrak">
<action dev="roduner" type="update">
Renamed packages from org.accada to org.fosstrak.
<release version="0.3.0" date="2008-03-20"
description="Feature release">
<action dev="steybem" type="add">
Added utility class for parsing and printing
<action dev="steybem" type="add">
Added EPCIS WSDL and schema files required by both
epcis-queryclient and epcis-repository.
<action dev="steybem" type="update">
Replaced Axis-generated Web service stubs with
CXF-generated Java beans.
<action dev="steybem" type="fix">
Fixed TimeParser to catch any exceptions caused by
invalid input and wrap them into
<release version="0.2.3" date="2007-12-14"
description="Bug fix release">
<action dev="steybem" type="add">
Added test case for TimeParser.
<action dev="steybem" type="fix" issue="1845531">
Corrected serialization of time values into XML.
<action dev="steybem" type="fix" issue="1789784">
Fixed parsing of event time when time value does not
have exactly three digits for millisecond.
<release version="0.2.0" date="2007-04-27"
description="Initial release">
<action type="add">Initial code release.</action>