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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<title>Changes epcis-captureclient</title>
<release version="0.5" date="2010-12-28" description="Bug fix and feature release">
<action dev="steybem" date="2010-08-13" type="add">
Added support for capturing EPCISMasterDataDocument in
<action dev="steybem" date="2010-08-17" type="update">
Code refactoring and cleanup.
<release version="0.4.2" date="2009-02-03" description="Feature release">
<action dev="wellington" type="add">
Added support for connecting to EPCIS repositories that require
client authentication (HTTP Basic and HTTPS with client
<action dev="roduner" type="fix">
Updated example events. They are now compliant with
EPCglobal's Core Business Vocabulary.
<release version="0.4.0" date="2008-07-29"
description="Project name changed to Fosstrak">
<action dev="roduner" type="update">
Renamed packages from org.accada to org.fosstrak.
<release version="0.3.0" date="2008-03-20"
description="Feature release">
<action dev="steybem" type="add">
Added possibility to construct EPCIS events using the
JAXB data binding API and capture them via the
<action dev="steybem" type="add">
Added some utility classes for quickly sending capture
requests to an EPCIS repository.
<release version="0.2.3" date="2007-12-14"
description="Bug fix release">
<action dev="steybem" type="fix" issue="1845531">
Corrected serialization of time values into XML.
<action dev="steybem" type="update">
Display time values in ISO8601 format.
<action dev="steybem" type="add">
Added field for setting eventTimeZoneOffset in capture
client GUI and adjusted example event.
<release version="0.2.2" date="2007-08-31"
description="Bug fix release">
<action dev="steybem" type="update">
Changed access method for invoking EPCIS capture
interface in CaptureClient. The capture interface
expects an XML document conforming to the EPCISDocument
in the payload of the HTTP POST request.
<action dev="steybem" type="update">
Changed return type of capture method in CaptureClient.
It will now return the HTTP response code (received from
the EPCIS repository) instead of the message given in
payload of the HTTP response. The CaptureClientGui will
display an appropriate success or fail message.
<release version="0.2.0" date="2007-04-27"
description="Initial release">
<action type="add">Initial code release.</action>