The Petri Net Kernel (PNK) version 2.0 provides an infrastrucure for
building Petri net tools.
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Petri Net Kernel Team
(Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)
Table of Contents
* License Agreement
* Quick Start
+ Download and Run
+ First steps - Open, Edit and Save Nets
+ Start a first Simulator Session
* Distributed Files
License Agreement
The PNK version 2.0 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
(see file gpl.txt) as published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 of the license.
Furthermore, this product includes software developed by the
"Apache Software Foundation" (http://www.apache.org/)
as well as software developed by the
"Sun Microsystems, Inc." (http://www.sun.com/).
The PNK is distributed in the hope that it will be
GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have
received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with
the PNK; if not see http://www.gnu.org/. An application using the
Petri Net Kernel MUST GIVE NOTICE OF THIS USE. Please contact
ag-pnk@informatik.hu-berlin.de to notify this application.
Quick Start
This is just a crash course to get the Petrinet Kernel running. It
should give you an overview how to use the Petrinet Kernel. I'm
leaving out some important details which will be added soon ...
NOTE: It is important that you have installed the jdk1.2.x to use the
Petrinet Kernel. Otherwise download it from java.sun.com. If you don't
know which jdk version is installed on your system, you may check this
by calling the java interpreter's -version option.
>java -version
Download and Run
Download the latest PNK2alpha.jar file. Extract the archive on the command
line by typing
>jar xvf PNK2alpha.jar
This creates a new directory PNK2/ containing the source and class
files of the Petrinet Kernel. Now you may change to PNK2/ directory
>cd PNK2
and take a look at it's contents. You should find something like this
* jaxp.jar - api for reading and writing xml files
* crimson.jar - api for reading and writing xml files
* PNK2.jar - archive of the Petrinet Kernel's class files
* PNK2sources.jar - archive of the Petrinet Kernel's source files
* Makefile - with this you may compile sources by hand
* sampleNets - contains some saved netexamples
* netTypeSpecifications - contains examples for a net's specification
* toolSpecification - contains some toolspecification examples
* icons - icons used by applications
Then start up Petrinet Kernel using the -jar option of the java
>java -jar PNK2.jar
You may also compile sources by hand. Therefore you possibly have to
extract a source file archive.
>jar xvf PNK2sources.jar
This command installs a directory tree of source files. Now take
notice of the makefile in the PNK2/ root directory. Modify it to your
requirements and enter
>make run
This command should compile all files and run the Petrinet Kernel. If
it does not, please check the path to your java2 interpreter and java2
compiler. You may edit the path in the headline of the makefile.
Verify also the correctness of the CLASSPATH variable. It should at
least point to the crimson.jar and jaxp.jar archives distributed with
the pnk.jar archive. These two file archives are necessary for loading
and writing xml and pnml files.
If the makefile doesn't work you may generally start the Petrinet
Kernel by typing a commandline like this:
>java -classpath .:jaxp.jar:crimson.jar \
de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.appControl.ApplicationControl [<toolspec>]
In this case it is important that you are currently in the root
directory of the Petrinet Kernel. The `toolspec` argument is
optional and should point to a valid `toolSpecification.xml` file.
This file contains data of known nettypes and their applications.
It is recommended that you compose your own specification file.
Therefore you find some examples in the `toolSpecifications/` directory.
First steps - Open, Edit and Save Nets
Now I will give you a short tutorial how you can play around with the
Petrinet Kernel. In this section I tell you how you may open or edit
nets and how you may invoke applications to work on your net. When
launching the Petrinet Kernel the ApplicationControl's window should
In the ApplicationControl's menubar you find a File menu for opening
existing nets, creating new nets and saving nets. There should also be
a Net menu for starting applications or switching between them. At
first you have to choose your nettype. You may open the File menu. If
you select the File -> new Net menuentry a submenu with a list of
different nettypes appears. Click on one of these menuitems. You can
also select the File -> Open menuentry to open an existing net. Some
interesting netexamples are stored in the sampleNets/ directory.
As default a editor start's to display the net. Everytime you invoke
an application it's menu is shown in the ApplicationControl's menubar.
So now you should find there the editor's menu. You may add objects
like places, transitions and arcs to the net.
In the editor's menu you select the Place checkbox or the Transition
checkbox. Then click on an open editorpage. Every mouseclick should
create a new object. Then choose the Arc checkbox and mouseclick on a
place. The place should change it's color indicating that it is
selected as an arc's initialnode. Now mouseclick a transition and a
new arc appears. You may want to drag around some places and
transitions to make your net look lovely. You achieve this by
mouseclicking in an object and hold the mousebutton pressed while
moving your mouse. After this you usually want edit the extensions of
some objects. For example set the name and marking of places, the
inscriptions of several arcs or the guards of transition. Which of
these extensions exists depends on the nettype. To edit an extension
you choose the Edit checkbox in editor's popupmenu. Now a mouseclick
on a place, transition or arc will open a dialog frame where you may
set new values for the objects extensions. Then it is recommended that
you save your net with the File -> save or File -> save as menu and
choose ApplicationControl's Net menu to start a further application
for example a simulator.
Start a first Simulator Session
Choose Net -> Start Application -> Simulator. This creates a new
instance of the simulator. Now the simulator's menu should appear in
the ApplicationControl's menubar. You should also see a dialog frame
with a CANCEL button. To run the simulator choose the Simulator ->
Start menu from ApplicationControl's menubar. If there is any
concessioned transition in the net the simulator will emphasize it in
the editor. You may fire a concessioned transition by mouseclicking
into it. Continue these steps until you are tired or there is no
concessioned transition anymore. In the first case press the CANCEL
button in the simulator's dialog frame. (It is recommended that you
don't choose Simulator -> Stop from ApplicationControl's menubar,
because it's not yet correctly implemented.) In the last case the
simulator stops automatically.
Distributed Files
Root directory:
Examples for toolspecifications ...
* toolSpecifications/:
+ net2pnmlApp.xml
+ toolSpecification.dtd
+ toolSpecification.xml
+ toolSpecification1.xml
+ toolSpecification2.xml
+ toolSpecification3.xml
Examples for nettypespecifications ...
* netTypeSpecifications/:
+ BlackTokenNet.xml
+ Echo.xml
+ GHSGraph.xml
+ HLNet.xml
+ PTNet.xml
+ bagNet.xml
+ dawnGuard.xml
+ graph.xml
+ netTypeSpecification.dtd
+ netTypesPytJava.table
+ signatureTable.dtd
+ signatureTable.xml
+ subrange.xml
+ timedNet.xml
There are also some examples for nets ...
* sampleNets/:
+ HLDinner.net
+ ProducerConsumerSystem.pnml
+ ProducerConsumerSystem1.pnml
+ ProducerConsumerSystem2.pnml
+ ProducerConsumerSystem3Pages.pnml
+ bag.pnml
+ blackToken.pnml
+ connectivity.pnml
+ connectivity.xml
+ dinner.net
+ echo.pnml
+ echoInit.pnml
+ maximumFinding.pnml
+ maximumFinding.xml
+ ptNet.pnml
+ ptNet.xml
+ shortestPath.pnml
+ shortestPath.xml
+ subrange.pnml
+ timeNet.pnml
+ wzk.net
The Petrinet Kernel's sources are a bunch of packages ...
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.kernel:
+ Arc.java
+ BlockStructure.java
+ Edge.java
+ Extendable.java
+ Extension.java
+ Graph.java
+ Kerntest.java
+ Member.java
+ NameExtension.java
+ Net.java
+ Node.java
+ Place.java
+ PlaceArc.java
+ Specification.java
+ SpecificationTable.java
+ Transition.java
+ TransitionArc.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.kernel.base:
+ ActionObject.java
+ ChangeExtension.java
+ ChangeSourceAction.java
+ ChangeTargetAction.java
+ DeleteAction.java
+ FlattenAction.java
+ JoinInterfaceNodeAction.java
+ NetObservable.java
+ NetObserver.java
+ NewArcAction.java
+ NewBlockAction.java
+ NewNetAction.java
+ NewPlaceAction.java
+ NewPlaceArcAction.java
+ NewTransitionAction.java
+ NewTransitionArcAction.java
+ RegisterInterfaceAction.java
+ RegisterSonAction.java
+ SplitInterfaceAction.java
+ UnregisterInterfaceAction.java
+ UnregisterSonAction.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.app:
+ Application.java
+ ApplicationB.java
+ BspApplication1.java
+ BspApplication2.java
+ GHSSimulator.java
+ GraphAlgorithmSimulator.java
+ MarkingsToInitial.java
+ Simulator.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.app.base:
+ AnnotateObjectsAction.java
+ ApplicationACInterface.java
+ ApplicationAWInterface.java
+ ApplicationNetDialog.java
+ ApplicationRequests.java
+ EmphasizeObjectsAction.java
+ MetaActionObject.java
+ MetaApplication.java
+ MetaJFrame.java
+ NetObserver.java
+ ResetAnnotationsAction.java
+ ResetEmphasizeAction.java
+ SelectObjectAction.java
+ SelectObjectsAction.java
+ StructuredNetObserver.java
+ UnAnnotateObjectsAction.java
+ UnEmphasizeObjectsAction.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.appControl:
+ AAObject.java
+ ACResources.java
+ ANObject.java
+ ATObject.java
+ ApplicationControl.java
+ ApplicationControlMenu.java
+ CTObject.java
+ IOTObject.java
+ InOut.java
+ NFObject.java
+ NTObject.java
+ NetInOut.java
+ NetParseException.java
+ PNKClassLoader.java
+ PNKDialog.java
+ PnmlInOut.java
+ TestInOut.java
+ ToolSpecification.java
+ Viewer.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.appControl.base:
+ ACApplicationInterface.java
+ PnkFileFilter.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.netElementExtensions.base:
+ FiringRule.java
+ Inscription.java
+ Marking.java
+ Mode.java
+ Type.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.editor:
+ AllSelectedDialog.java
+ Annotation.java
+ Arc.java
+ Draw.java
+ Edge.java
+ EditDialog.java
+ Editor.java
+ EditorMenu.java
+ EditorWindow.java
+ Extension.java
+ GraphProxy.java
+ GruenLookAndFeel.java
+ Label.java
+ LogoWin.java
+ MemberSprite.java
+ MemberSpriteNode.java
+ NetLoader.java
+ NetWriter.java
+ Node.java
+ Page.java
+ PageMouseListener.java
+ PageVector.java
+ Place.java
+ PlaceArc.java
+ ReferenceTable.java
+ SelectDialog.java
+ Sprite.java
+ SpriteVector.java
+ Transition.java
+ TransitionArc.java
+ ViewPane.java
* de.huberlin.informatik.pnk.exceptions:
+ ExtensionValueException.java
+ KernelUseException.java
+ NetSpecificationException.java