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Adding a module

There are four types of modules (

Configurer: gets values for options, does not usually install or modify

Installer: installs an application from a tarball.

WebAppInstaller: installs a web application from a war file with Tomcat.

DBWebAppInstaller: a WebAppInstaller that also creates and configures a
MySQL database.

The script:
* writes the file install.ini, an INI file wich contains installation and
configuration parameters
* cleans and creates symbolic links in resources to the correct versions of
the applications tarballs and war files.

When adding a module, don’t forget to modify this script to:
* add the correct section to install.ini
* remove old links to the tarball or war file in resources/
* create the correct link to the tarball or war file in resources/

The tarball/war file pattern also needs to be added to the .gitignore file.