root/IoTa-Installer/lib/ @ 19b58bab
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is a part of the IoTa project.
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | # Copyright © 2012-2013 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, GREYC
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# <>
# See AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
import os
import shutil
import xml.dom.minidom
import utils
import installer
class TomcatInstaller(installer.Installer):
def __init__(self):
installer.Installer.__init__(self, "Apache Tomcat", "tomcat", [
("Enter the archive file pathname", "tomcat", "repo",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install"), "type": "file"}),
("Enter the path where you want to unpack it", "tomcat", "directory",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install"), "type": "path"}),
("Enter the name of the directory", "tomcat", "name",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the Catalina Home directory", "tomcat", "catalina_home",
{"unless": ("tomcat", "install"), "type": "path"}),
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ("Enter the HTTP port", "tomcat", "http_port", {}),
("Enter the server shutdown port", "tomcat", "shutdown_port",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the AJP port", "tomcat", "ajp_port",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | ("Enter the secure port", "tomcat", "secure_port",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the TLS keystore filename", "tomcat", "keystore_file",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the password for this keystore", "tomcat", "keystore_password",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the key alias (empty means first key)", "tomcat", "key_alias",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the key password (empty means no password)", "tomcat", "key_password",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the TLS truststore filename", "tomcat", "truststore_file",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the password for this truststore", "tomcat", "truststore_password",
{"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Enter the revocation list filename (empty means none)", "tomcat", "revocations_file",
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | {"when": ("tomcat", "install")}),
("Use the manager webapp?", "tomcat", "use_manager", {"type": "YN"}),
("Enter the manager’s path", "tomcat", "manager_path",
{"when": ("tomcat", "use_manager")}),
("Enter the manager’s login (manager or manager-script role)", "tomcat", "login",
{"when": ("tomcat", "use_manager")}),
("Enter the manager’s password", "tomcat", "password",
{"when": ("tomcat", "use_manager")}),
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ("Is autodeploy enabled?", "tomcat", "autodeploy",
{"unless": ("tomcat", "install"), "type": "YN"})
def postConfigure(self):
catalina_home = ""
if self.installp:
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | tomcat_repo = self.cget("repo")
tomcat_dir = self.cget("directory")
tomcat_name = self.cget("name")
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | catalina_home = tomcat_dir + tomcat_name + "/"
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | self.cset("catalina_home", catalina_home)
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | utils.putMessage("The Catalina Home directory will be: " + catalina_home)
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | catalina_home = self.cget("catalina_home")
self.cset("name", catalina_home.rstrip("/").rpartition("/")[2])
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ||
def postUnpack(self):
utils.putWait("Configuring Apache Tomcat’s ports")
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | serverConfigFile = self.cget("catalina_home") + "conf/server.xml"
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(serverConfigFile)
configuration = doc.getElementsByTagName("Server")[0]
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | configuration.setAttribute("port", self.cget("shutdown_port"))
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | service = configuration.getElementsByTagName("Service")[0]
connectors = service.getElementsByTagName("Connector")
for connector in connectors:
if connector.getAttribute("protocol") == "HTTP/1.1":
connector.setAttribute("port", self.cget("http_port"))
connector.setAttribute("redirectPort", self.cget("secure_port"))
elif connector.getAttribute("protocol") == "AJP/1.3":
connector.setAttribute("port", self.cget("ajp_port"))
connector.setAttribute("redirectPort", self.cget("secure_port"))
sslconnector = doc.createElement("Connector")
sslconnector.setAttribute("protocol", "HTTP/1.1")
sslconnector.setAttribute("port", self.cget("secure_port"))
sslconnector.setAttribute("maxThreads", "100")
sslconnector.setAttribute("scheme", "https")
sslconnector.setAttribute("secure", "true")
sslconnector.setAttribute("SSLEnabled", "true")
if self.cget("keystore_file").endswith(".p12"):
sslconnector.setAttribute("keystoreType", "PKCS12")
sslconnector.setAttribute("keystoreFile", self.cget("keystore_file"))
sslconnector.setAttribute("keystorePass", self.cget("keystore_password"))
if self.cget("key_alias"):
sslconnector.setAttribute("keyAlias", self.cget("key_alias"))
if self.cget("key_password"):
sslconnector.setAttribute("keyPass", self.cget("key_password"))
sslconnector.setAttribute("truststoreFile", self.cget("truststore_file"))
sslconnector.setAttribute("truststorePass", self.cget("truststore_password"))
if self.cget("revocations_file"):
sslconnector.setAttribute("crlFile", self.cget("revocations_file"))
sslconnector.setAttribute("clientAuth", "true")
sslconnector.setAttribute("sslProtocol", "TLS")
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | with open(serverConfigFile, "w") as scf:
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | if self.cisTrue("use_manager"):
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | utils.putWait("Configuring Apache Tomcat’s managering account")
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | usersConfigFile = self.cget("catalina_home") + "conf/tomcat-users.xml"
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(usersConfigFile)
configuration = doc.getElementsByTagName("tomcat-users")[0]
role = doc.createElement("role")
role.setAttribute("rolename", "manager-script")
role = doc.createElement("role")
role.setAttribute("rolename", "manager")
user = doc.createElement("user")
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | user.setAttribute("username", self.cget("login"))
user.setAttribute("password", self.cget("password"))
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | user.setAttribute("roles", "manager,manager-script")
with open(usersConfigFile, "w") as scf:
def install(self):
# try to install
if not installer.Installer.install(self):
# else, get infos