root/IoTa-Installer/lib/ @ 19b58bab
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is a part of the IoTa project.
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | # Copyright © 2012-2013 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, GREYC
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# <>
# See AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
from config import CONFIG
import installer
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | import utils
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ||
class ETaInstaller(installer.DBWebAppInstaller):
def __init__(self):
installer.WebAppInstaller.__init__(self, "ETa web application", "eta", [
("Enter the ETa web application name", "eta", "name", {}),
("Enter the archive file pathname", "eta", "repo", {"type": "file"}),
("Enter the ETa database name", "eta", "db_name", {}),
("Enter the ETa database login", "eta", "db_login", {}),
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ("Enter the ETa database password", "eta", "db_password", {}),
("Do you want to create the database callback management user", "eta", "db_user_create", {"type": "YN"}),
("Enter the database login for callback management user", "eta", "callback_db_login", {}),
("Enter the database password for callaback management user", "eta", "callback_db_password", {}),
("Enter the Epcis web application URL", "epcis", "url", {}),
("Enter the URL to the XACML module", "epcis_policies", "xacml_url", {}),
("Enter the URL to the Callback Receiver module", "eta_callback_receiver", "callback_url", {}),
("Do you use electronic signatures (SigMa)", "eta", "use_sigma", {"type": "YN"}),
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ], [
{ "xacml-url": ("epcis_policies", "xacml_url"),
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | "pks-filename": ("cert", "jks_keystore"),
"pks-password": ("cert", "password"),
"trust-pks-filename": ("cert", "truststore"),
"trust-pks-password": ("cert", "trustpassword"),
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | "xacml-ihm-url": ("ephi", "url"),
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | "xacml-use-tls-id": ("global", "use_tls_id"),
"xacml-default-user": ("global", "default_user"),
"xacml-anonymous-user": ("global", "anonymous_user"),
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | "epcis-query-url": ("epcis", "query_url"),
"epcis-capture-url": ("epcis", "capture_url"),
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | "eta-userservice-url": ("user", "url"),
"eta-callback-url": ("eta_callback_receiver", "callback_url"),
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | "ldap-url": ("ldap", "url"),
"ldap-basedn": ("ldap", "base_dn"),
"ldap-user": ("ldap", "login"),
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | "ldap-password": ("ldap", "password"),
"sigma-url": ("sigma", "url"),
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | "sigma-verification": ("eta", "use_sigma")})
2e0a7cb1 | Sylvain L. Sauvage | ] )
def postConfigure(self):
19b58bab | Rémy Ménard | self.setSecuredURL()
96454bcd | Sylvain L. Sauvage | self.cset("db_jndi", "ETADB")
url = self.cget("url")
CONFIG.set("ds", "epcis_type", "ided_epcis")
CONFIG.set("ds", "epcis_query_url", url + "ided_query")
CONFIG.set("epcilon", "subscription_url", url + "query")
# configure database connection for callbacks
murl = "jdbc:mysql://" + CONFIG.get("db", "host") + ":" + CONFIG.get("db", "port") + "/" + self.cget("db_name") + "?autoReconnect=true"
self.cset("callback_db_url", murl)
def postInstall(self):
if self.cisTrue("db_user_create"):
utils.putMessage("Creating callback management user ...")
if not utils.execDB("Granting access rights", "mysql",
"GRANT SELECT ON " + self.cget("db_name") + ".subscription " +
"TO '" + self.cget("callback_db_login") + "'@'" + CONFIG.get("db", "user_host") + "' " +
"IDENTIFIED BY '" + self.cget("callback_db_password") + "';"):