


Gnuplot » Historique » Révision 3

Révision 2 (François Rioult, 03/02/2011 20:13) → Révision 3/5 (François Rioult, 03/02/2011 20:14)

h1. Gnuplot 

 h2. Synopsis 

 This operator has no parameter, two inputs (the GNUplot script and the data) and one output (the plot). It launches GNUplot for generating a .PNG image. 

 h2. Parameters 


 h2. Inputs 

 2 input files :  
 * the first is the @GNUplot@ script. This script uses a @@file@@ <pre>@file@<pre> string, that is dynamically replaced with the real name by the script. 
 * the second is the data to be plot. 

 h2. Outputs 

 1 output: the .PNG image representing the plot. 

 h2. Shell Code 


 # this shell uses gnuplot with the script as first input on the data 
 # on the second output 
 # the @file@ string in the gnuplot script is replaced by the data file. 

 script=$1; shift 
 data=`echo $1 | sed 's/\//\\\\\//g'`; shift 
 output=$1; shift 

     echo "set terminal png"  
     echo "set output '$output'"  
     sed "s/@file@/$data/g" $script 
 ) > $script.plot 

 gnuplot $script.plot 
 rm $script.plot 

 h2. Example 

 This operator is used plotting the results in the stream [[Data mining complexity]].