Eval operators » Historique » Révision 2
Révision 1 (François Rioult, 03/02/2011 20:50) → Révision 2/3 (François Rioult, 03/02/2011 20:53)
h1. Eval operators
KDAriane is provided with basic components for executing shell scripts.
The choice depends on how many
* parameters (p),
* input (i)
* output (o) you want.
The operators are named @"eval" + p + i + o @ and call the eponymous .sh script.
When an operator is executed, Ariane launches the script (for example @script.sh@) associated to the operator with giving the following arguments:
script.sh parameter-1 parameter-2 ... parameter-p input-1 input-2 ... input-i output-1 output-2 ... output-o
In Ariane, every operator has a return value, even if it has no output.
@KDAriane@ is provided with a large collection of predefined @eval@ scripts, in the folder @shell@:
* [[Eval101]]
* [[Eval111]]
* [[Eval121]]
* [[Eval122]]
* [[Eval201]]
* [[Eval211]]
* [[Eval221]]
* [[Eval311]]
* [[Eval312]]