Documentation » Historique » Révision 5
Révision 4 (François Rioult, 09/06/2010 22:40) → Révision 5/37 (François Rioult, 18/06/2010 20:36)
h1. Documentation
KDAriane is a set of operators for data mining and machine learning, and a set of scenarios (supervised classification, missing values completion, strong emerging pattern mining, etc.). It uses Ariane as a graphical platform for designing the data streams.
h2. Installation
As KDAriane requires Ariane, that requires Pandore, all have to be installed in the following order:
* [[Pandore]]
* [[Ariane]]
* [[KDAriane]]
h2. Special operators for shell scripting
KDAriane is provided with basic components for executing shell scripts. The choice depends on how many parameters (p), input (i) and output (o) you want. The operators are named
@"eval" + p + i + o @ and call the eponymous .sh script.
When an operator is executed, Ariane launches the script (for example associated to the operator with giving the following arguments
In Ariane, every operator has a return value, even if it has no output.
The current list of shell operators is the following:
* no output: for generating a value from a command (the first parameter) [[eval100]]
* one output : generates a file from a command [[eval101]] with one parameter, [[eval201]] with two.
* variate combination of parameters, inputs and outpus: [[eval111]], [[eval121]], [[eval211]], [[eval221]], [[eval311]], [[eval312]]
Of course, this list is not exhaustive and you can add your own operators. A
h2. Scenarios