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Révision bf9c3717

Ajouté par Remy Menard il y a environ 11 ans

Version 1.99

  • All:
    - a few bugs fixed!
  • New web application LaMBDa
  • ETa:
    - new testing application to capture events
  • SigMa-Test:
    - new options to the command line to configure the public/private keys
    for TLS and for signature
  • ALfA, OMeGa:
    - new method more accurate than "traceEPC": the events are sorted by
  • OmICroN:
    - New options added to the command line
  • YPSilon, EpcisPHI:
    - user can be identified by alias, if the DN of his certificate is
    incompatible with the LDAP directory
  • YPSilon:
    - new shell script to configure the LDAP directory (same
    functionnalities as IoTa-Installer)
  • IoTa-Installer:
    - installs and configures LaMBDa
    - finer certificate mangagement
    - EpcILoN correctly subscribe with TLS to ETa
  • Greyc letters figures:
    - new figure for LaMBDa
    - shows data flows between PHI and YPSilon
    - sets DS and DSeTa in different schemas

Voir les différences:

import fr.unicaen.iota.application.soap.IoTaService;
import fr.unicaen.iota.application.soap.IoTaServicePortType;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ds.model.TEventItem;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ds.model.TServiceItem;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ds.model.TServiceType;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public void configureService(String address, String pksFilename, String pksPassword, String trustPksFilename, String trustPksPassword) throws Exception {
System.setProperty("", pksFilename);
System.setProperty("", pksPassword);
System.setProperty("", trustPksFilename);
System.setProperty("", trustPksPassword);
if (pksFilename != null && pksPassword != null && trustPksFilename != null && trustPksPassword != null) {
System.setProperty("", pksFilename);
System.setProperty("", pksPassword);
System.setProperty("", trustPksFilename);
System.setProperty("", trustPksPassword);
URL wsdlUrl = new URL(address + "?wsdl");
IoTaService service = new IoTaService(wsdlUrl);
port = service.getPort(IoTaServicePortType.class);
this.identity = id;
* Queries the ONS for all NAPTR entries related to the given EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return a mapping of all entries by service type
* @throws RemoteException
public Map<ONSEntryType, String> queryONS(String epc) throws IoTaException {
QueryONSRequest in = new QueryONSRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return res;
* Queries the ONS for the URL of the referent Discovery Service for the
* given EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return the URL of the referent Discovery Service
* @throws RemoteException
public String getReferentDS(String epc) throws IoTaException {
GetReferentDSRequest in = new GetReferentDSRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return out.getUrl();
* Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> traceEPC(String epc) throws IoTaException {
TraceEPCRequest in = new TraceEPCRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(out.getEventList());
private QueryParams createQueryParams(Map<String, String> filters) {
QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : filters.entrySet()) {
QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
* Gets all the EPCIS events sorted by EPCIS concerning a given EPC code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @return a list of EPCIS events by EPCIS
* @throws RemoteException
public Map<String, List<EPCISEventType>> traceEPCByEPCIS(String epc) throws IoTaException {
TraceEPCByEPCISRequest in = new TraceEPCByEPCISRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
TraceEPCByEPCISResponse out = port.traceEPCByEPCIS(in);
Map<String, List<EPCISEventType>> results = new HashMap<String, List<EPCISEventType>>();
for (EventsByEPCIS eventsByEPCIS: out.getEventsByEPCIS()) {
List<EPCISEventType> eventList = EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(eventsByEPCIS.getEventList());
results.put(eventsByEPCIS.getEpcisAddress(), eventList);
return queryParams;
return results;
* Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code and matching the
* given filters.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param filters the filters
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> traceEPC(String epc, Map<String, String> filters) throws IoTaException {
TraceEPCRequest in = new TraceEPCRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(out.getEventList());
* Gets all the EPCIS events sorted by EPCIS concerning a given EPC code and matching the
* given filters.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param filters the filters
* @return a list of EPCIS events by EPCIS
* @throws RemoteException
public Map<String, List<EPCISEventType>> traceEPCByEPCIS(String epc, Map<String, String> filters) throws IoTaException {
TraceEPCByEPCISRequest in = new TraceEPCByEPCISRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
TraceEPCByEPCISResponse out = port.traceEPCByEPCIS(in);
Map<String, List<EPCISEventType>> results = new HashMap<String, List<EPCISEventType>>();
for (EventsByEPCIS eventsByEPCIS: out.getEventsByEPCIS()) {
List<EPCISEventType> eventList = EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(eventsByEPCIS.getEventList());
results.put(eventsByEPCIS.getEpcisAddress(), eventList);
return results;
public String getEPCDocURL(String epc) throws IoTaException {
GetEPCDocURLRequest in = new GetEPCDocURLRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return out.getUrl();
* Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code from a given ECPIS
* repository.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param EPCISAddress the URL of the EPCIS repository
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> queryEPCIS(String epc, String EPCISAddress) throws IoTaException {
QueryEPCISRequest in = new QueryEPCISRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(out.getEventList());
* Gets all the EPCIS events matching the given filters from a given ECPIS
* repository.
* @param filters the EPC code
* @param EPCISAddress the URL of the EPCIS repository
* @return a list of EPCIS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<EPCISEventType> queryEPCIS(Map<String, String> filters, String EPCISAddress) throws IoTaException {
QueryEPCISRequest in = new QueryEPCISRequest();
return EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(out.getEventList());
* Queries a given Discovery Service for all events concerning a given EPC
* code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param DSAddress the DS URL
* @return a list of DS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<TEventItem> queryDS(String epc, String DSAddress) throws IoTaException {
QueryDSRequest in = new QueryDSRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
return out.getEventList().getEvent();
* Queries a given Discovery Service for all events concerning a given EPC
* code.
* @param EPC the EPC code
* @param DSAddress the DS URL
* @param serviceType the service type
* @return a list of DS events
* @throws RemoteException
public List<TEventItem> queryDS(String epc, String DSAddress, TServiceType serviceType) throws IoTaException {
QueryDSRequest in = new QueryDSRequest();
EPC tepc = new EPC();
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
String serviceURL = "http://localhost:8080/omega";
String service = "traceEPC";
String serviceURL = "https://localhost:8443/omega";
String epcisOrDsURL = null;
String sid = "anonymous";
String epc = "urn:epc:id:sgtin:40000.00002.1298283877319";
String ksFile = null;
String tsFile = null;
String tsPass = null;
switch (args.length) {
case 7:
ksFile = args[3];
ksPass = args[4];
tsFile = args[5];
tsPass = args[6];
case 8:
case 9:
ksFile = args[4];
ksPass = args[5];
tsFile = args[6];
tsPass = args[7];
// fall-through
case 3:
serviceURL = args[0];
sid = args[1];
epc = args[2];
case 4:
case 5:
service = args[0];
serviceURL = args[1];
sid = args[2];
epc = args[3];
System.err.println("Usage: OmICron <OMeGa Web Service URL> <IDENTITY> <EPC URN ID>");
System.err.println("Usage: OmICron <Service> <Service URL> <IDENTITY> <EPC URN ID> [<Keystore File> <Keystore Password> <Truststore file> <Truststore Password>] [<EPCIS or DS URL>]");
System.err.println("example: OmICron " + serviceURL + " " + sid + " " + epc);
System.err.println("example: OmICron " + service + " " + serviceURL + " " + sid + " " + epc + " /srv/keystore.jks store_pw /srv/truststore.jks trust_pw");
System.err.println("example: OmICron queryEPCIS " + serviceURL + " " + sid + " " + epc + " /srv/keystore.jks store_pw /srv/truststore.jks trust_pw https://localhost:8443/eta/ided_query");
Identity id = new Identity();
OmICron client = new OmICron(id, serviceURL, ksFile, ksPass, tsFile, tsPass);
System.out.println("Processing traceEPC ...");
List<EPCISEventType> eventList = client.traceEPC(epc);
if (eventList.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(" No events found.");
} else {
List<EPCISEventType> eventList = null;
List<TEventItem> dsEventList = null;
if ("traceEPC".equals(service)) {
System.out.println("Processing traceEPC ...");
OmICron client = new OmICron(id, serviceURL, ksFile, ksPass, tsFile, tsPass);
eventList = client.traceEPC(epc);
else if ("queryEPCIS".equals(service)) {
epcisOrDsURL = (args.length == 5)? args[4] : args[8];
System.out.println("Processing queryEPCIS ...");
OmICron client = new OmICron(id, serviceURL, ksFile, ksPass, tsFile, tsPass);
eventList = client.queryEPCIS(epc, epcisOrDsURL);
else if ("queryDS".equals(service)) {
epcisOrDsURL = (args.length == 5)? args[4] : args[8];
System.out.println("Processing queryDS ...");
OmICron client = new OmICron(id, serviceURL, ksFile, ksPass, tsFile, tsPass);
dsEventList = client.queryDS(epc, epcisOrDsURL);
else {
System.out.println("traceEPC: gets all events concerning an EPC code");
System.out.println("queryEPCIS: gets events concerning an EPC code contained by an EPCIS");
if (eventList != null && !eventList.isEmpty()) {
for (EPCISEventType evt : eventList) {
EPCISEventTypeHelper e = new EPCISEventTypeHelper(evt);
System.out.println(" Event found: " + e.getBizStep() + " " + e.getDisposition());
System.out.println(" Event found:");
else if (dsEventList != null && !dsEventList.isEmpty()) {
for (TEventItem event : dsEventList) {
System.out.println("Event found: ");
for (TServiceItem serviceItem : event.getServiceList().getService()) {
System.out.println(" | OwnerID: " + event.getP());
System.out.println(" | service type: " + serviceItem.getType());
System.out.println(" | service address: " + serviceItem.getUri());
else {
System.out.println(" No event found.");
private QueryParams createQueryParams(Map<String, String> filters) {
QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : filters.entrySet()) {
QueryParam qp = new QueryParam();
return queryParams;

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