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Révision bf9c3717

Ajouté par Remy Menard il y a presque 12 ans

Version 1.99

  • All:
    - a few bugs fixed!
  • New web application LaMBDa
  • ETa:
    - new testing application to capture events
  • SigMa-Test:
    - new options to the command line to configure the public/private keys
    for TLS and for signature
  • ALfA, OMeGa:
    - new method more accurate than "traceEPC": the events are sorted by
  • OmICroN:
    - New options added to the command line
  • YPSilon, EpcisPHI:
    - user can be identified by alias, if the DN of his certificate is
    incompatible with the LDAP directory
  • YPSilon:
    - new shell script to configure the LDAP directory (same
    functionnalities as IoTa-Installer)
  • IoTa-Installer:
    - installs and configures LaMBDa
    - finer certificate mangagement
    - EpcILoN correctly subscribe with TLS to ETa
  • Greyc letters figures:
    - new figure for LaMBDa
    - shows data flows between PHI and YPSilon
    - sets DS and DSeTa in different schemas

Voir les différences:

<%@page import="fr.unicaen.iota.eta.user.userservice.UserInfoOut"%>
<%@page import="fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.model.UserInfoOut"%>
<%@page import="fr.unicaen.iota.epcisphi.xacml.ihm.Module"%>
<%@page import="fr.unicaen.iota.epcisphi.utils.HTMLUtilities"%>
String pServiceAddress = ((PartnerInfo) session.getAttribute("pInfo")).getServiceList().get(0).getUri().toString();
String pServiceType = ((PartnerInfo) session.getAttribute("pInfo")).getServiceList().get(0).getType();
* */
String partnerId = ((UserInfoOut) session.getAttribute("uInfo")).getPartnerID();
String partnerId = ((UserInfoOut) session.getAttribute("uInfo")).getOwnerID();
<div id="createUser" title="Create User" class="modalDialog">
<div class="dialog_message">Enter user informations :</div>
<div class="dialog_options">Login : <input id="userLogin" type="text" value="" /></div>
<div class="dialog_options">Password : <input id="userPassword" type="password" /></div>
<div class="dialog_options">Confirm password : <input id="userConfirmation" type="password" /></div>
<div class="dialog_options">User's certificate DN used to connect: <input id="userLogin" type="text" value="" /></div>
<div class="dialog_options">User name (empty if the DN is compatible with the LDAP directory) : <input id="userID" type="text" value="" /></div>
<div id="deleteUser" title="Delete User" class="modalDialog">
<div id="updatePartner" title="Update Partner Informations" class="modalDialog">
<div class="dialog_message">Enter the new partner informations :</div>
<div class="dialog_options">Partner Id : <input disabled id="partnerID" type="text" value="<%=partnerId%>" /></div>
<!--<div id="dialogServiceId" class="dialog_options">Service Id : <input id="serviceID" type="text" value="<=pServiceId%>" /></div>
<div class="dialog_options">Service type :
<=HTMLUtilities.createSelectServiceType(pServiceType, "")%>
<div class="dialog_options">Service address : <input id="serviceAddress" type="text" value="<=pServiceAddress%>" /></div>
<div id="GroupDialog" title="Group Name" class="modalDialog">
<div id="successDialog" title="Commande Successfull" class="modalDialog">
<div class="dialog_message"><span id="successMessage">&nbsp;</span></div>

Formats disponibles : Unified diff