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Révision 96454bcd

Ajouté par Sylvain Sauvage il y a plus de 11 ans

Version 1.9-mock

This is version 1.9-mock. 1.9 because the API still have changes pending
(principally relative to the Discovery Services). “mock” because TLS
configuration is not yet available and the signatures (SigMa) are not fully

  • All:
    - code cleaned and refactored
    - lots of bugs fixed
    - dependencies checked and trimmed
    - documentation added
    - Identity handling added
  • New library modules (Mu, Nu)
  • New signature modules (SigMa)
  • Access Layer and User interfaces (ALfA and OMeGa):
    - code refactored
    - new, better APIs
    - Identity handling added
    - use EPCglobal and DS events (no proxy types anymore)
  • New tempororay DSeTa web service (pending new DS)
  • ETa corrected and added to the IoTa-Installer
    - ETa-Callback modules are now available as web applications
    - filtering rules: if a part of an event is not allowed, now the whole
    event is deleted from the result (before only the rejectd part was)
  • CaPPa: overall refactoring of XACML handling
    - new temporary User web service
    - new Xi module: XACML Interrogation web service (was two modules: TCP and
  • PSi now signs its events
  • Installer, now also installs or configures:
    - ETa and its Callback modules
    - ActiveMQ
    - SigMa
    - certificate/signing key
  • Greyc letters figures:
    - new simplified figures (sans IoTa and simplified IoTa)
    - new figure for ETa modules
    - show 3rd party clients
    - data flows specified
    - TLS and link security added
    - IDs and trusted IDs added
    - color adjusted for printing
    - GREYC logo added

Voir les différences:

cd ${0%/*}
read IOTA_VERSION < ../Version
echo "Updating Installer to version number: $IOTA_VERSION"
# Installer install.ini configuration file
echo "Updating install.ini configuration file ..."
cat <<EOS > resources/install.ini
accept_defaults = false
host = localhost
callback_war = true
anonymous_user = anonymous
login = admin
port = 3306
login = root
password = root
user_host = localhost
repo = resources/mysql-connector-java-5.1.21.jar
jar_install = true
repo = resources/apache-tomcat-7.0.29.tar.gz
repo = resources/apache-tomcat-7.0.33.tar.gz
name = apache-tomcat
directory = /srv/
catalina_home = /srv/apache-tomcat/
manager_path = manager/text
install = false
name = apache-activemq
url = tcp://localhost:61616
admin_url = http://localhost:8161/admin
login =
password =
repo = resources/apache-activemq-5.6.0-bin.tar.gz
directory = /srv/
install = false
name = epcis
repo = resources/epcis-repository-0.5.0.war
name = epcilon
identity = anonymous
repo = resources/epcilon-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
url = http://localhost:8080/epcilon
callback_url = http://localhost:8080/epcilon/StandingQueryCallbackServlet
subscription_url = http://localhost:8080/eta/query
ds_url = http://localhost:8080/dseta
db_jndi = EPCILONDB
db_name = EPCILON_DB
db_login = epcilon_usr
query_dir = /srv/ds-policies/query/
capture_dir = /srv/ds-policies/capture/
admin_dir = /srv/ds-policies/admin/
xacml_host = localhost
xacml_port = 9999
xacml_url = http://localhost:8080/dphi/xacml
xacml_url = http://localhost:8080/dphi/xi
name = ds
server_identity = urn:epc:id:gsrn:1.1
install = false
url = http://localhost:8080/ds/services/ESDS_Service
epcis_type = epcis
epcis_query_url = http://localhost:8080/epcis/query
name = dseta
repo = resources/dseta-server-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
ds_login = anonymous
ds_password = anonymous
install = false
url = http://localhost:8080/dseta
my_address =
login = localusr
name = alfa
repo = resources/alfa-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz
repo = resources/alfa-rmi-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz
directory = /srv/
ds_login = anonymous
ds_password = anonymous
rmi_port = 1099
install = false
name = user
repo = resources/user-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
url = http://localhost:8080/user
install = false
name = eta
repo = resources/eta-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
userservice_name = user
userservice_url = http://localhost:8080/eta/user
install = false
db_name = ETA_DB
db_login = eta_usr
db_password = eta_pw
db_install = false
db_jndi = ETADB
callback_db_login = callback_usr
callback_db_password = callback_pwd
db_user_create = false
use_sigma = False
name = eta-callback-receiver
repo = resources/eta-callback-receiver-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
install = false
callbackservlet_name = callback
callback_url = http://localhost:8080/eta-callback-receiver/callback
send_queue_name = queueToFilter
name = eta-callback-filter
repo_bin = resources/eta-callback-filter-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz
repo_war = resources/eta-callback-filter-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
directory = /srv/
send_queue_name = queueToSender
startup-delay = 10000
polling-delay = 60000
install = false
name = eta-callback-sender
repo_bin = resources/eta-callback-sender-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz
repo_war = resources/eta-callback-sender-${IOTA_VERSION}.war
directory = /srv/
startup-delay = 10000
polling-delay = 60000
install = false
name = ephi
query_dir = /srv/epcis-policies/query/
capture_dir = /srv/epcis-policies/capture/
admin_dir = /srv/epcis-policies/admin/
xacml_port = 9998
xacml_url = http://localhost:8080/ephi/xacml
xacml_url = http://localhost:8080/ephi/xi
server = localhost
spec_level = 2.0
epcis_entry = epc\\\\+epcis
ds_entry = epc\\\\+ds
spec_entry = epc\\\\+spec
html_entry = epc\\\\+html
entry_regex = \\\\!\\\\^\\\\.\\\\*\\\\$\\\\!|\\\\!
name = sigma
repo = resources/sigma-1.9-mock.war
install = True
key-store-file-path = resources/certs/sslcert/test-cert.p12
key-store-password = skanka
url = http://localhost:8080/sigma/
keystore = /srv/keystore.p12
password = store_pw
distinguished_name = CN=anonymous
keyalias = key
keypassword =
certfile = /srv/key.cert
truststore = /srv/truststore.jks
trustpassword = trust_pw
trust_keyalias = key
trust_keypassword =
create_keystore = True
create_certfile = True
create_truststore = True
# Installer links to tarballs and wars
rm -f resources/alfa-*-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
resources/discovery-phi-*.war \
resources/discovery-server-*.war \
resources/epcilon-*.war \
resources/epcis-phi-*.war \
resources/eta-*.war \
ln -s ../../ALfA/ALfA/target/alfa-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
echo "Cleaning resources links ..."
rm -f resources/alfa-rmi-*-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
resources/discovery-phi-*.war \
resources/discovery-server-*.war \
resources/dseta-server-*.war \
resources/epcilon-*.war \
resources/epcis-phi-*.war \
resources/user-*.war \
resources/eta-*.war \
resources/eta-callback-receiver-*.war \
resources/eta-callback-filter-*-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
resources/eta-callback-sender-*-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
resources/omega-*.war \
echo "Setting resources links ..."
ln -s ../../ALfA/ALfA-RMI/target/alfa-rmi-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
../../DSeTa/DiscoveryPHI/target/discovery-phi-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../DSeTa/DSeTa/target/dseta-server-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../IoTa-DiscoveryWS/IoTa-DiscoveryWS/target/discovery-server-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../EpcILoN/target/epcilon-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/EpcisPHI/target/epcis-phi-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/User/target/user-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/ETa/target/eta-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Receiver/target/eta-callback-receiver-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Filter/target/eta-callback-filter-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Sender/target/eta-callback-sender-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Filter/target/eta-callback-filter-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
../../ETa/ETa-Callback/ETa-Callback-Sender/target/eta-callback-sender-${IOTA_VERSION}-bin-with-dependencies.tar.gz \
../../OMeGa/OMeGa/target/omega-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \
../../SigMa/SigMa/target/sigma-${IOTA_VERSION}.war \

Formats disponibles : Unified diff