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Révision 675e977d

Ajouté par Remy Menard il y a presque 11 ans

  • ID 675e977d6baa946d508d77b8721408cbe9155a8e
  • Parent 8fd1d584

Version 2.1

  • All:
    - a few bugs fixed!
  • DELTa:
    - uses the new DS events
  • EpcisPHI, DiscoveryPHI:
    - improves the session management
    - the account creation by the web interface adds access policies to
    the interface ("admin" policies), this is always done even if a
    corresponding account exists in the LDAP directory
  • YPSilon:
    - simplifies the service
  • Installer:
    - upgrades Apache Tomcat to 7.0.42

Voir les différences:

package fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon;
import fr.unicaen.iota.xi.client.UserPEP;
import fr.unicaen.iota.xi.utils.Utils;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.model.ImplementationException;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.model.ImplementationExceptionSeverity;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.model.SecurityException;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.model.User;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.soap.ImplementationExceptionResponse;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.client.soap.SecurityExceptionResponse;
import fr.unicaen.iota.ypsilon.constants.Constants;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
public class UserOperationsModule {
private UserPEP userPep;
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UserOperationsModule.class);
private UserOperations backend;
public UserOperationsModule() {
this.backend = new UserOperations();
this.userPep = new UserPEP(Constants.XACML_URL, Constants.PKS_FILENAME, Constants.PKS_PASSWORD, Constants.TRUST_PKS_FILENAME, Constants.TRUST_PKS_PASSWORD);
* Creates a new user in the base.
* @param sessionId The session ID corresponding to the connection.
* @param login The login of the new user.
* @param owner The owner of the new user.
* @param alias The alias DN of the new user. Can be null.
* @throws ImplementationExceptionResponse If an error involving the base occurred.
* @throws SecurityExceptionResponse If the access is denied to the user.
public void userCreate(String sessionId, String login, String owner, String alias)
throws ImplementationExceptionResponse, SecurityExceptionResponse {
String userId = Session.getUser(sessionId).getUserID();
int resp = userPep.userCreate(userId, owner);
if (!Utils.responseIsPermit(resp) && !isRootAccess(sessionId)) {
String msg = "Acces denied.";
SecurityException se = new SecurityException();
SecurityExceptionResponse ser = new SecurityExceptionResponse(msg, se);
LOG.error(msg, ser);
throw ser;
public void userCreate(String login, String owner, String alias)
throws ImplementationExceptionResponse {
String userToCheck = (alias != null && !alias.isEmpty())? alias : login;
if (!backend.userLookup(userToCheck).isEmpty()) {
String msg = "User already exists.";
* Deletes user from the base.
* @param sessionId The session ID corresponding to the connection.
* @param user The user to delete.
* @throws ImplementationExceptionResponse If an error involving the base occurred.
* @throws SecurityExceptionResponse If the access is denied to the user.
public void userDelete(String sessionId, String user)
throws ImplementationExceptionResponse, SecurityExceptionResponse {
List<User> userList = userLookup(sessionId, user);
public void userDelete(String user) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse {
List<User> userList = userLookup(user);
if (userList == null || userList.isEmpty()) {
String msg = "User is not found.";
ImplementationException ie = new ImplementationException();
LOG.error(msg, ier);
throw ier;
String userId = Session.getUser(sessionId).getUserID();
for (User u : userList) {
int resp = userPep.userDelete(userId, u.getOwnerID());
if (!Utils.responseIsPermit(resp) && !isRootAccess(sessionId)) {
String msg = "Acces denied.";
SecurityException se = new SecurityException();
SecurityExceptionResponse ser = new SecurityExceptionResponse(msg, se);
LOG.error(msg, ser);
throw ser;
* Fetchs <code>User</code> corresponding to login.
* @param login The user login.
* @return The user corresponding to the login.
* @throws ImplementationExceptionResponse If an error involving the base occurred.
* @throws SecurityExceptionResponse If login or password is incorrect.
public User userCertLogin(String login)
throws ImplementationExceptionResponse, SecurityExceptionResponse {
try {
* Context newCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = (Context)
* newCtx.lookup("java:comp/env"); DirContext dirCtxt = (DirContext)
* envCtx.lookup("ldap/gatewayldap");
List<User> userList = backend.userCertLogin(login);
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
String msg = "A LDAP error occurred: login is incorrect.";
SecurityException se = new SecurityException();
SecurityExceptionResponse ser = new SecurityExceptionResponse(msg, se);
LOG.error(msg, ser);
throw ser;
return userList.get(0);
} catch (SecurityExceptionResponse ser) {
throw ser;
} catch (ImplementationExceptionResponse ier) {
throw ier;
} catch (Exception ex) {
String msg = "An unexpected error occurred.";
ImplementationException ie = new ImplementationException();
ImplementationExceptionResponse ier = new ImplementationExceptionResponse(msg, ie, ex);
LOG.error(msg, ier);
throw ier;
* Fetchs list of <code>User</code> corresponding to user ID from the base, if the session
* ID is root access or userLookup is permitted to the user associated to the session.
* Fetchs list of <code>User</code> corresponding to user ID from the base.
* @param sessionId The session ID.
* @param userId The user ID to fetch.
* @return The list of users corresponding to the user ID.
* @throws ImplementationExceptionResponse If an error involving the base occurred.
* @throws SecurityExceptionResponse If the access is denied to the user.
public List<User> userLookup(String sessionId, String userId)
throws ImplementationExceptionResponse, SecurityExceptionResponse {
public List<User> userLookup(String userId) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse {
try {
User u = Session.getUser(sessionId);
List<User> userList = backend.userLookup(userId);
Iterator<User> iterUser = userList.iterator();
while (iterUser.hasNext()) {
User user =;
int resp = userPep.userLookup(u.getUserID(), user.getOwnerID());
if (!Utils.responseIsPermit(resp) && !isRootAccess(sessionId)) {
String msg = "Acces denied.";
SecurityException se = new SecurityException();
SecurityExceptionResponse ser = new SecurityExceptionResponse(msg, se);
LOG.error(msg, ser);
throw ser;
return userList;
} catch (SecurityExceptionResponse ser) {
throw ser;
return backend.userLookup(userId);
} catch (ImplementationExceptionResponse ier) {
throw ier;
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Fetchs <code>User</code> corresponding to user ID, if the session ID is root access
* or userInfo is permitted to the user associated to the session.
* Fetchs <code>User</code> corresponding to user DN.
* @param sessionId The session ID.
* @param userId The user ID to fetch.
* @param userDN The user DN to fetch.
* @return The <code>User</code> corresponding to the user ID.
* @throws ImplementationExceptionResponse If an error involving the base occurred.
* @throws SecurityExceptionResponse If the access is denied to the user.
public User userInfo(String sessionId, String userId)
throws ImplementationExceptionResponse, SecurityExceptionResponse {
public User userInfo(String userDN) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse {
try {
List<User> uList = backend.userLookup(userId);
if (uList.isEmpty()) {
String msg = "User not found.";
ImplementationException ie = new ImplementationException();
ImplementationExceptionResponse ier = new ImplementationExceptionResponse(msg, ie);
LOG.error(msg, ier);
throw ier;
User u = Session.getUser(sessionId);
int resp = userPep.userInfo(u.getUserID(), uList.get(0).getOwnerID());
if (!Utils.responseIsPermit(resp) && !isRootAccess(sessionId)) {
String msg = "Acces denied.";
SecurityException se = new SecurityException();
SecurityExceptionResponse ser = new SecurityExceptionResponse(msg, se);
LOG.error(msg, ser);
throw ser;
return uList.get(0);
return backend.userInfo(userDN);
} catch (ImplementationExceptionResponse ier) {
throw ier;
} catch (SecurityExceptionResponse ser) {
throw ser;
} catch (Exception ex) {
String msg = "An unexpected error occurred.";
ImplementationException ie = new ImplementationException();
public boolean isRootAccess(String sessionId) {
User u = Session.getUser(sessionId);
return userPep.isRootAccess(u.getUserID(), u.getOwnerID());

Formats disponibles : Unified diff