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Revision 19b58bab

Added by Remy Menard over 11 years ago

Version 1.9

  • All:
    - use TLS for secured links
    - SigMa is now fully functionnal
    - completed documention
    - a lot of bugs fixed!
  • SigMa:
    - signature creation from the canonical form of the event
    - signature creation using ECDSA algorithm
    - signature is correctly verified
  • ETa:
    - manage the extension identifying the owner of the event
    - if no identity is provided, the identity of the certificate is used
  • EpcisPHi:
    - access to the web interface of policy management is made by
  • OMeGa:
    - if no identity is provided, the identity of the certificate is used
  • IoTa-Installer:
    - create and use certificates for TLS
    - configure Apache Tomcat for TLS
  • Greyc letters figures:
    - show SigMa library (SigMa-Commons)

View differences:

host = localhost
callback_war = true
anonymous_user = anonymous
use_tls_id = true
default_user = default-id
login = admin
name = apache-tomcat
directory = /srv/
catalina_home = /srv/apache-tomcat/
redirect_port = 8443
secure_port = 8443
shutdown_port = 8005
http_port = 8080
ajp_port = 8009
login = admin
password = admin
manager_path = manager/text
keystore_file = \${catalina.home}/conf/ssl/keystore.jks
keystore_password = changeit
key_alias =
key_password =
truststore_file = \${catalina.home}/conf/ssl/keystore.jks
truststore_password = changeit
revocations_file = \${catalina.home}/conf/ssl/revocations_list.pem
install = false
name = sigma
repo = resources/sigma-1.9-mock.war
install = True
key-store-file-path = resources/certs/sslcert/test-cert.p12
key-store-password = skanka
url = http://localhost:8080/sigma/
create_keystore = True
keystore = /srv/sigma-cert.p12
password = store_pw
distinguished_name = CN=anonymous
keyalias = key
keypassword =
keystore = /srv/keystore.p12
jks_keystore = /srv/keystore.jks
password = store_pw
distinguished_name = CN=anonymous
keyalias = key
create_keystore = True
create_certfile = True
create_truststore = True
exportkeystore_tojks = True

Also available in: Unified diff