Revision 19b58bab
Added by Remy Menard over 11 years ago
IoTa-Installer/lib/ | ||
# This program is a part of the IoTa project.
# Copyright © 2011-2012 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, GREYC
# Copyright © 2011-2013 Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, GREYC
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
... | ... | |
cmd = ("keytool " + keycmd + " -storetype \"" + storetype + "\" -keystore \"" + keystore +
"\" -storepass \"" + password + "\" -alias \"" + keyalias + "\" " + keypass)
for opt, value in other_opts:
cmd += " " + opt + " \"" + value + "\""
if value:
value = " \"" + value + "\""
cmd += " " + opt + value
if sh_exec(cmd):
def execSrcToDestKeyTool(msg, keycmd, srcstoretype, srckeystore, srcstorepass, srcalias, deststoretype, destkeystore, deststorepass, deststorealias, other_opts):
cmd = ("keytool " + keycmd + " -srcstoretype \"" + srcstoretype + "\" -srckeystore \"" + srckeystore +
"\" -srcstorepass \"" + srcstorepass + "\" -srcalias \""+ srcalias +
"\" -deststoretype \"" + deststoretype + "\" -destkeystore \"" + destkeystore +
"\" -deststorepass \"" + deststorepass + "\" -destalias \"" + deststorealias + "\"")
for opt, value in other_opts:
if value:
value = " \"" + value + "\""
cmd += " " + opt + value
if sh_exec(cmd):
Also available in: Unified diff
Version 1.9
- use TLS for secured links
- SigMa is now fully functionnal
- completed documention
- a lot of bugs fixed!
- signature creation from the canonical form of the event
- signature creation using ECDSA algorithm
- signature is correctly verified
- manage the extension identifying the owner of the event
- if no identity is provided, the identity of the certificate is used
- access to the web interface of policy management is made by
- if no identity is provided, the identity of the certificate is used
- create and use certificates for TLS
- configure Apache Tomcat for TLS
- show SigMa library (SigMa-Commons)