# # Set PTNet configuration # attach-point = false grid=false publish=true animated=false animation-speed=500 publication-window-for-average=50 print-message=false themamap-address= themamap-port=9999 save-events=false save-stats=false ons-address= ons-tld-domain=ons-peer.com sign=true sigma-keystore=config/keystore.p12 sigma-keystore-password=changeit # The alias of the key used to sign. If empty, SigMa will verify the signature with the first key in its keystore sigma-signer-id=alias # TLS private and public keys pks-filename = /srv/privatekeys.jks pks-password = changeit trust-pks-filename = /srv/publickeys.jks trust-pks-password = changeit event-owner = anonymous